The course began with being introduced to a short brief called 'True' as part of our specialist practice unit, so the idea for this brief was to take a statement or proposition and to show that it was true or to at least convince it was and to get evidence to show it. The good thing about this was that it could be something really simple but I needed to be creative about it.
Whilst looking for inspiration I came across this piece of work...

I found that with this piece of work I could understand what it said which reminded me about not using vowels in text messages and how words could still be read. I thought this would be a good idea forward but I found that getting a statement which should be true but without its vowels proved difficult. For example ... "You can read a sentence without its vowels" .. would read "Y cn rd sntnc wtht ts vwls" .. to me that just looked like nonsense and that statement wasn't true for everything.
This lead me on to thinking about words that are misspelt and to try and prove that misspelt words could be read as long as the first and last letters are in the correct place. I did a few examples handwritten and on word and asked people to read them for me and this proved to be a successful idea.
Next I had to think about how I could present my statement.
I thought about why you can read the words misspelt and who gets spelling of words wrong or mixed up... this lead me to children.
I thought that presenting it in a child's play way could be a route to go down. I had my statement and I was ready to explore with different objects to show my statement was true. I researched into buying children's building blocks but found that this was going to be expensive as there were only so many letter blocks to a pack and I had a lot of characters in my statement. I next thought about magnets as they were already on my house's fridge so I tried a few ideas with them...
I went on the concept of being muddled up as some quick ideas to try but thought that one word wasn't enough to show my statement and that it was true, so I took my statement of which I already had and thought I would try and spell it out.. however as you can see from the third image it's only half a sentence as I ran out of certain letters. I didn't think that this idea would work as I had to use upper and lower case letters and didn't want my idea to be confusing.
I took a trip to WHSmiths and was lucky enough to come across some adhesive blocks which looked similar to scrabble pieces and had to buy them to experiment with them. I didn't want to throw my idea of magnets away, as I liked the interaction with them. I decided that I would incorporate the blocks with magnets, buy a metal tray and I could then show that my piece of work could be played with and the letters could be moved around. This was my final piece...
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